Volunteer with us!
You don’t have to be a pastor to be involved in ministry. God provides each of us with a unique set of skills and talents that are designed to be shared in community. At The Bridge, there are serving opportunities to fit your skills and your schedule! Come make a difference with us.

In Bridge Kids, we partner with families to introduce children to the boundless love of Jesus. Leaders serve in groups on Sunday mornings from nursery to fifth grade. Lessons are prepared ahead of time, making it easy to show up and lead on your day of serving. If you are patient, kind, and have a heart for children, then this may be the team for you!
The Prayer Team serves Sunday morning at the end of church, making themselves available for anyone who wants to receive prayer. If you love to pray for and encourage people, then this is the team for you!

The welcome team are the first friendly faces people see when they step into The Bridge. If you are social and love to connect with people, greet them, and make them feel welcome, then this is the team to join!

A hot cup of coffee and a snack are one of the ways we try to make people feel at home. Our hospitality team serves behind the scenes by setting up the coffee bar, donuts, and fruit before people arrive on Sunday mornings. Some also serve by picking up donuts from the shop.

The tech team handles our livestream, audio, slides, and live chat on Sunday mornings. If you have experience in any of these areas, or are willing to be trained, this could be a great fit for you!

The photo and video team is in charge of capturing content for The Bridge website, social media, weekly email, and other promotional materials. If you have a camera and an eye for quality content, we'd love to see what you can capture!

The events team plans, decorates, and hosts events at The Bridge. For this team, serving is sporadic and oftentimes falls near holidays. This is a great team if you love decorating or coordinating events!

On occasion, we'll events in our sanctuary that require us to change our normal chair setup. The set up and tear down team ensures all chairs and tables are properly placed in the sanctuary, so that there is a seamless transition from one event to the next.
If you have a unique skill or talent that you can use to serve The Bridge community, or if you have an idea for an area of volunteering not listed here, please contact us. We'd love to hear about it!
Thank you for your desire to serve at The Bridge! Your willingness to use your God-given gifts to impact our community and city means a lot to us. In the form below, please tell us more about yourself and which area(s) you're interested in serving.
Why We Serve
Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:43–45).
As we journey to become servants in the likeness of Jesus, it begins by accepting the profound gifts bestowed upon us by God—belovedness, abundance, humility, and empowerment. By entrusting our lives to Jesus, embracing His life, death, and resurrection, we are securely held in our Heavenly Father's profound love and delight. As forgiven and reconciled children, we lack nothing in God's eyes, and no action could deepen His love for us. This abundance compels us to serve others, mirroring Jesus' humility, devoid of personal motives or concealed intentions. Similar to how Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit for His ministry, we too are equipped by the Spirit with diverse gifts, intended to edify both the Church and the community we call home.
As we journey to become servants in the likeness of Jesus, it begins by accepting the profound gifts bestowed upon us by God—belovedness, abundance, humility, and empowerment. By entrusting our lives to Jesus, embracing His life, death, and resurrection, we are securely held in our Heavenly Father's profound love and delight. As forgiven and reconciled children, we lack nothing in God's eyes, and no action could deepen His love for us. This abundance compels us to serve others, mirroring Jesus' humility, devoid of personal motives or concealed intentions. Similar to how Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit for His ministry, we too are equipped by the Spirit with diverse gifts, intended to edify both the Church and the community we call home.